Ni-daqmx 7.4
SolutionUsing NI-DAQmx 7.4 or above, simulated devices can be used to develop and run an application without data acquisition (DAQ) hardware present in the machine. Developing for different hardware configurations With simulated devices, you can develop applications for different systems or for different hardware configurations. Once the devices installed in the target system have been simulated on your development system, you can program them as if they were installed locally. Later, when you deploy to your production system the developed LabVIEW VIs will run on the installed hardware. To develop VIs for another system or hardware configuration, please follow the instructions below:.
NI-DAQmx 7.3 から NI-DAQmx 7.4 にアップグレードするのですが、デフォルトの CPU 使用率の挙動に変更はありますか。.
Ni Daqmx 14 2
- NI-DAQmx driver software and DAQExpress interactive data-logging software are included free with every supported DAQ device. In addition to receiving this software.
- With the release of NI-DAQmx 7.4 or later, all S Series devices are compatible with parallel-mode SCXI modules.
On your development system, simulate the devices that are installed in the production system. Refer to the for expanded details on creating simulated devices. Rename the simulated devices to the same names as those on your production system. Using the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), navigate to your simulated device and rename it (Figure 1):. Expand My System in the left tree. Expand Devices and Interfaces.
7.4 Liter Engine
Expand NI-DAQmx Devices. Right click on each simulated device and select Rename. Change the name of the device to the same name as on your production system. Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-DAQmx. Open Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) Start»Programs»National Instruments»Measurement & Automation. Open Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-DAQmx Help»Help Topics»NI-DAQmx»MAX Help for NI-DAQmx. Navigate to the Simulated Devices section Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-DAQmx»Getting Started»Simulated Devices Devices That Cannot Be Simulated Certain NI-DAQmx devices cannot be simulated in MAX.
Ni Daqmx 14
In many cases it may be possible to simulate a similar device in place of a device that cannot be simulated. However, it is very important to keep in mind that the simulated device may have features not available on your own device. Also, note that traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) does not support the simulated device feature.