Antivirus For Windows Xp 2002 Sp2 Vista
Old Gateway laptop, still works great. BUT, crashed 2 weeks ago. Re-installed system CD, works fine for internet. All Microsoft Office 2010 software disappeared, etc.
Cannot re-install software. Will not proceed due to no XP SP 3.
XP SP 3 updates from Microsoft site will not proceed -error, etc. How can I upgrade then to Windows 7 or 8 or Vista? How can I get to XP SP 3 at all?
The most relevant program for Windows xp 2002 sp2 32 bit antivirus is Avira Free Antivirus 2015. Get a free download for Antivirus software in the specialized. Jul 09, 2013 Which is the best free antivirus program for windows XP 2002. Your XP is still at SP2. Which means NO windows updates.
Free Antivirus For Windows Xp
Sophos Anti-Virus is the best security solution for both Windows Vista and Windows XP Service Pack 2. On June 4 2007, security developer Sophos celebrated the 38th.
Just downloaded AVG 8.5 and tried to install and got the message 'Your OS is too.censored. old for this version of AVG'. I've used AVG for several years with good results but now need something else. My OS is a 2002 version of XP Home with 1.47 Ghz and 256 Ram.
Any suggestions.(Yeah, I know, get a new computer, but with my budget, and my aversion to having to buy new stuff, I resist until it becomes hopeless). Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Samp. Hi, And thanks very much for the replies to my question. Re: 2002 version.that's what it said when I asked the computer for info on its guts and version.sooo, I believed it (you can tell I haven't been exactly deep into computerese or taken any courses into how to talk to computers and not get really angry or reach for the hammer.) Re: service packs.I don't have any or have not downloaded any.I read somewhere that installing Service Pack 2 can create a lot of headaches on some computers and those I like to avoid at all costs.Maybe I need SP2 before AVG will run.Is it worth it (installing the pack that is)? Also I will download the others that are suggested and hope the fickle computer gods smile upon me kindly and with tolerant amusement as I ask my computer to be nice to them.
Onward into the future where technology reveals itself -hopefully also kindly to us plodding mortals tapping gingerly at the keyboard. Thanks again for your replies and suggestions, samp.
Thanks to all for your advice and comments. I have no service packs installed and have heard much about trouble with SP2. And to answer some questions, I am using Windows firewall ICF that is in XP.
Also when I tried to install AVG 8.5 the message said it would NOT run on my computer system which is only XP and then I had to exit the program installation. I now think it requires XP SP2 to work (from what all of you have said.) What is your advice re: installing SP2? As I wrote previously I am no computer wizard by any stretch of the imagination and diddling endlessly with recalcitrant machines is a real test on patience and posture. So thanks again everyone, (I still am on dial up, where I live we are lucky to have electricity) Samp.
The problems you have heard about happen whenever a service pack is new. I had problems with SP3, I uninstalled it and waited a month or so, now most problems are sorted and i have no problems with it. Prepare for a long wait. I know what you mean regarding frustration but the way the internet runs now you must be frustrated waiting for just pages to load let alone downloading files!
Are there no wireless service providers by you? I had to have that for a couple of years while we waited for our exchange to be upgraded.